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Biosecurity SOP for pet clinic

Preparation procedure for equipment

All students and clinicians are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting their own equipment regularly and correctly.

Tidying up

Remove all consumables remaining in the box and dispose of them, as well as waste, in the yellow bin.

The presence of organic material or raw waste such as feces, reduces the effectiveness of most disinfectants.


Cleaning solution sprays are available in all consultation rooms.

After having cleaned the surface or the object with the cleaning solution, wearing gloves, rinse thoroughly to remove any traces of detergent. Some detergents can also reduce the effectiveness of most disinfectants.


Using single-use paper, spread the disinfectant over the surface to be disinfected. Leave it to act for at least ten minutes.

Rinse surplus disinfectant thoroughly and leave it to dry.

After disinfecting, the box must be tidied away in the appropriate place in the laundry room ( ).

Please also let the nurses know that you have returned the box.


C'est le personnel PATO qui se charge de la stérilisation thermique.

(thermal sterilisation)