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Biosecurity SOP in B42 Pig Farm

Preparation procedure for people

It is compulsory to walk through the foot bath.

Walk through the foot bath located at the entrance to the anteroom

To avoid theft, it is recommended to use your own padlock for the duration of the clinical activity.

Lockers are located to the right, upon entering the anteroom

Put on overalls and a pair of boots available in the Pig farm

Put overalls on

Boots are arranged at the entrance, on a boot dryer. “Over-socks» are also available if you want.

Put overshoes on Put your boots on Put cover-boots on

The filling of the visitors register is mandatory in a pig farm.

Fill in the visitors’ log

Hand washing and disinfection before handling the pigs are good measures of sanitary protection for the pig herd.

Wash then disinfect your hands
Soap your hands Dry your hands Dispose of paper in the trash Disinfect your hands with Sterilium®

Disposable gloves are available next to the visitors register.

Put on a pair of gloves

It is compulsory to walk through the foot bath.

Walk through the foot bath located on the inner side of the Clinic