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Biosecurity SOP for the Imaging Unit

Preparation procedure for animals

For any examination performed in the Imaging unit

Keep the animals waiting, accompanied, in the appropriate waiting room/area:

For ultrasound examinations, animals should be brought with the area to be examined already shaved (clinic of origin).

Make the animals wait, accompanied:

  • Dog accompanied in the waiting room for companion animals

    In the waiting room for companion animals

  • Horse accompanied in the waiting area for large animals (outside the building)

    In the waiting area (outside the building) for large animals

Register the animal at reception by providing an examination request correctly filled by the clinician in charge of the patient.

Leave a request form at reception

Remove your boots and leave them on the „large animals„ side before going to reception

For large animals, if the houseman/housewoman in charge of the animal does not go to reception (he/she wears shoes), it is essential to remove the boots before crossing the yellow line of the corridor leading to reception (leave them on the “large animals” side).