Étudiant ou visiteurVétérinairePersonel PATOÉtudiant à mobilité réduite
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Biosecurity SOP for the Imaging Unit

For any examination performed in the Imaging unit

The person accompanying an animal coming from a clinic of the three poles of the CVU will keep the equipment peculiar to the clinic where the animal comes from.

That person will put on a CLEAN disposable apron in the clinic of origin.

Put on the PPE for class 3 large animals in the equine clinic.

For examinations not requiring a radioprotection equipment

Disposable gloves are available in every examination room

For x-ray and angiography only

Remove the clean disposable apron slipped on in the clinic of origin

Remove the clean disposable apron slipped on in the clinic of origin

Put on the radioprotection equipment

Put on the radioprotection equipment

Radioprotection equipment is available on the coat stands in each x-ray room

Put on the single-use personal protective equipment

Put on the single-use personal protective equipment

Disposable yellow aprons, gloves and masks, if necessary, are available in each examination room.