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Equine Biosecurity SOP

Preparation procedure for persons

Procedure for anaesthesia and surgery teams

Take a white lab coat in the lab coats storeroom Take overshoes in the lab coats storeroom

Put your CLEAN surgery outfit on (blue scrub top and pants)

Put a clean blue scrub top and pants

Put your CLEAN shoes on

Put the white lab coat over the surgery outfit

Put the white lab coat over the surgery outfit

Keep the overshoes in the pocket of your white lab coat

Keep the overshoes in the pockets of the white lab coat

Take the white lab coat off and leave it in the box (clinic side)

Put the overshoes on when leaving the padded box (clean side)

Wash your hands after preparing the horse

Wash your hands in the storeroom of the surgery unit
Masks are available on the shelf above the sinkPut on a mask

Mob caps are available on the shelf above the sinkPut on the mob cap

Procedure for people who will touch the operative field (surgery team)

  1. Wash your hands and forearms (until elbows) with Baktolin® soap
    Insist on extremities of fingers (nail brush)
  2. Dry with clean paper
  3. Rub your hands and forearms with Sterilium® (or any other hydro-alcoholic solution) during 1.5 to 2 minutes (your hands must remain humid during 1.5 to 2 minutes
    It is often necessary to take some solution several times)
    Insist on extremities of fingers
  4. Let hands and forearms dry correctly before putting gloves on