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Equine Biosecurity SOP


The behaviour to adopt throughout the equine clinic also applies in the surgery unit.

It is forbidden to bring or consume food (including chewing gum) or drinks.

It is forbidden to smoke, spit or chew tobacco.

Do not bring external animals into the clinic, as they are potential disease vectors.

Wear your ID badge.

Keep your overalls clean and completely closed, and keep boots/booties clean.

It is compulsory to walk through all footbaths in front of a unit or box.


It is forbidden to use a cell phone

Do not bother the surgery team

Pay attention in case you are requested during the surgery

Be attentive in case you are requested during the surgery

Be proactive (any help is welcome)

Clean the dirty areas as often as possible (e. g.: after blood sampling)

Dispose of waste in the adequate waste container

Wash your hands as often as possible

for every person not being in sterile conditions

Always report IMMEDIATELY any asepsis error!