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Equine Biosecurity SOP


It is forbidden to bring or consume food (including chewing gum) or drinks.

It is forbidden to smoke, spit or chew tobacco.

Do not bring external animals into the clinic, as they are potential disease vectors.

Wear your ID badge.

Keep your overalls clean and completely closed, and keep boots/booties clean.

It is compulsory to walk through all footbaths in front of a unit or box.


When should you wash your hands?

Hand washing is compulsory after:

  • treating wounds/bandages
  • handling a catheter
  • eye treatments

Hand washing is recommended:

  • after each patient

Soap dispensers and disinfectant are available in the clinic.

Sink and soap dispenser and disinfectant in the consulting room Soap dispenser and disinfectant in the corridors of the hospital unit Sink and soap dispenser and disinfectant in the consulting room