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Biosecurity SOP for food sciences

In the event of an accident

Inform a supervisor

In the event of an accident (burn, cut, fainting, etc.), inform the supervisor who will assess the situation and call the emergency services (call 112) if needed.

If accidental contamination of the work surfaces occurs (ex: splash, spill or overflowing):

(ex: splash, spill or overflowing)

Inform a supervisor

Inform the supervisor and discard any people not involved in cleaning up the spill from the area

Enfiler une paire de gants jetables

Réaliser une procédure de désinfection immédiate

Cover the spill with paper towels or other absorbent material

Pour disinfectant around the edges of the spill and work inward to the centre.

Allow the disinfectant to react for the minimum contact time, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Lift the paper and dispose of it in the yellow waste container.

Wash your hands in the laboratory sink

After the procedure, remove your gloves then wash and disinfect your hands.