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Biosecurity SOP for pet clinic

Preparation procedure for people

Preparation for Class 1 and 2 cases forms the basis of the preparation for Class 3 cases.

In the student locker-room

In the student locker-room

Put any personal items in a locker

Put on your white apron, your badge and your equipment

Wash your hands

Procedure for washing hands with soap

Wet hands and forearms with hot water.

Add at least 3-5ml of soap

Work up a lather and rub both sides of each hand (10-30 seconds) including the forearms, under rings and nails.

Rinse with hot water until all soap residue has gone.

Do not turn off the tap with your bare hands, use a paper towel.

Dry your hands with a paper towel

Sanitising procedure

Start with the fingers

Finish with the hands and wrists


In the consultation room

In the consultation room

Put on a disposable yellow apron

You must remove your white apron before putting on a yellow one!

It is strictly forbidden to wear yellow aprons for any other animals and in any other places outside the clinic.

Put on gloves

Disposable gloves are available in all consultation rooms.