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Biosecurity SOP for ruminants

Preparation procedure for animals

Registering animals

This part concerns PATO staff and vets.

Application of the legislation in force.

Herd number

Identification of animals less than 7 days old by inserting two ear tags

Every animal has an identification document and is listed in the SANITEL system

Movements of animals must be communicated to the ARSIA

Paratuberculosis status determined by serological test

IBR status in the course of certification determined by serological test

Regular testing for Q Fever, neosporosis and distomatosis

Systematic testing of newborns for BVD (PCR on ear notch sample)


During purchase

This part concerns PATO staff and vets.

Few purchases are made

For breeding animals: introduction into the herd after serological assessment of the free status for IBR, paratuberculosis and BVD.

The herd is officially free of bovine brucellosis, tuberculosis and enzootic leukosis.


Epidemiological monitoring

This part affects PATO staff and vets.

Sanitary manager: Ludovic Martinelle
Responsible vet: Ludovic Martinelle (suppléant : Anne-Sophie Rao)

If an animal presents abnormal salivation

If foot and mouth disease is suspected, the responsible vet must be called.

If foot and mouth disease is confirmed, the veterinary inspector (FASFC) is notified and measures to disinfect and limit the movements of the animals will be applied.