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Biosecurity SOP for the Imaging Unit

Biosecurity SOP for the Imaging Unit

Animals admitted to the imaging unit essentially come from clinics from the three areas of the CVU (Classes of risk 1 to 3).

Request forms correctly filled (in french)

Every patient should already be registered with the secretariats of the respective areas beforehand. It is imperative to provide a request form correctly filled to register the animal in the imaging unit. This request form will be provided to the imaging unit secretariat.

book an appointment by telephone

Class 3 animals will come to the imaging unit after making an appointment, and preferentially at the end of the day (except emergencies)

Class 4 animals are generally examined in the isolation unit of the clinic of origin (except parvovirus cases for companion animals).

Team of the imaging unit away in the equine clinic

Furthermore, the imaging team sometimes goes to the clinic for non-class 4 patients, especially large animals (e.g. a horse that cannot move).