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Biosecurity SOP in the clinic of avian species, rodents, lagomorphs and new companion animals (CARL)

Waste management

In order to avoid contaminating the environment or other necropsies, the work must be conducted in as clean a manner as possible and particularly, feathers, hair anduseless waste must immediately be placed in the bins meant for contaminated biological waste (yellow bins).

Waste is disposed of in the same way as throughout the clinic.

Disposing of waste

All types of waste must be disposed of in scrupulous accordance with the recommendations set by the ULg, namely: all contaminated waste must be disposed of in the special yellow bins.

Particular attention must be paid to sharps (needles, scalpel blades, etc.) which go in the specific small yellow containers.

Do not take anything away ...

It is strictly forbidden to take away feathers or any other product or by-product of animals presented for consultation.